Turgut Can
by on January 16, 2022
269 vizualizări

I agree with general cleaning - it's not easy and it's very annoying, it takes away from the host all day and all the forces that could be spent on the family or you. But with the advent of generators in the domestic market, every cleaning of the apartment can be general and does not require much effort. It will be possible for you if you gain steam consumption.

Initially, the device was developed for the sanitation of hospitals and other health institutions, but the idea was more than promising, and the scope of this tool has become virtually unlimited. Everywhere, where high purity is needed, be it hotels, kindergartens, offices and, of course, an apartment, a household steam generator has simply become irreplaceable.

One of the most well-known steam generator manufacturers is KÄRCHER. and companies such as Philips, Tefal, Bissel, Bosch and many other manufacturers of household appliances. The working principle of this miracle machine (without exaggeration) is to generate steam, which is actually the name. A variety of nozzles allow cleaning with steam. Home steam generator - a versatile and very useful thing.


Judge for you: you can easily wash windows, mirrors, clean all cracks, which for a long time accumulate dust, refresh and clean upholstery, carpets and rugs, curtains and drapes. And all this for a cleaning without extra funds, and at the same time without killing all day. Think for yourself, it is worth buying a steamer at home or not.

Household steam appliance looks like a vacuum cleaner, easy to use. Hot steam not only cleans but also disinfects any surface, which is especially important if the home has a small child or animal (or both, and others). With steam generator eliminates the need for chemical reagents, makes cleaning more environmentally friendly, and allows you to not saturate the air in the house of chemicals and pungent odors of cleaning products. This is a huge advantage if there are people in the house who suffer from allergies or respiratory diseases.

The steam generator is able to empty the standing grease oven, the grill stove, the plate itself, to shine the washing tile, to sterilize the bathroom and toilet, disinfected children's toys, brush and even bed clothes, which is usually at chemical cleaners. It also helps to get rid of bedbugs, if this harm harmed your home. In short, he can do anything.

Home steam generator How does it work? In a special container filled with water, which is heated for a few minutes. The steam generated has a temperature of over 140 degrees. Pressure hose is applied to the surface, and various nozzles allow all types of cleaning.


However, hot steam can damage some types of coatings, such as parquet or 100% wool carpet, in this case, provided in the kit kit sewn for nozzles that protects such surfaces from direct contact with steam. Many steam generators have the capacity and water supply to wash away dirt.

Of course, the technique requires care. he also needs the steam generator. In order not to form a scale, it is better to pour distilled water from the tank. And if still formed, it must be removed using special tools. After each use of the steam generator it is necessary to empty the container.

As you can see, the household steam generator - an indispensable thing for the house. Now you can quickly and easily make your apartment really clean.

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