Romana: Moldova este situată în Europa de Est. Vecinii săi de frontieră includ România și Ucraina. Odată cu dizolvarea Uniunii Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste, aceasta și-a declarat independența la 27 august 1991. Râurile Prut și Nistru străbat Moldova. La est de râul Nistru se află Transnistria, care și-a declarat independența în mod unilateral. Suprafața totală a Moldovei este de 33.846 de kilometri pătrați. Populația sa este de aproximativ 4,5 milioane. Moldovenii constituie cea mai mare parte a țării. După aceea, sunt ucraineni, ruşi, găgăuzi, bulgari, români şi ţigani în poziţia minoritară. Capitala și cel mai mare oraș al țării este Chișinău. Limba sa oficiala este romana. Limbile regionale recunoscute includ bulgară, rusă și găgăuză.   English: Moldova is located in Eastern Europe. Its border neighbors include Romania and Ukraine. With the dissolution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, it declared its independence on 27 August 1991. The Prut and Dniester rivers run through Moldova. To the east of the Dniester River is Transnistria, which declared its independence unilaterally. The total area of Moldova is 33,846 square kilometers. Its population is approximately 4.5 million. Moldovans make up the majority of the country. After that, there are Ukrainians, Russians, Gagauz, Bulgarians, Romanians and Gypsies in the minority position. The capital and largest city of the country is Chisinau. Its official language is Romanian. Recognized regional languages include Bulgarian, Russian and Gagauz. Türkçe: Moldova, Doğu Avrupa’da yer almaktadır. Sınır komşuları arasında Romanya ve Ukrayna bulunmaktadır. Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği’nin dağılması ile 27 Ağustos 1991 tarihinde bağımsızlığını ilan etmiştir. Moldova’nın içerisinden Prut ve Dinyester nehirleri geçmektedir. Dinyester Nehri’nin doğusunda bulunan ve tek taraflı bağımsızlığını ilan eden Transdinyester bulunmaktadır. Moldova’nın toplam yüzölçümü 33.846 kilometrekaredir. Nüfusu ise yaklaşık olarak 4.5 milyondur. Ülkenin çoğunluğunu Moldovanlar oluşturmaktadır. Bunun ardından azınlık konumunda Ukraynalılar, Ruslar, Gagavuzlar, Bulgarlar, Rumenler ve Çingenler bulunmaktadır. Ülkenin başkenti ve en büyük şehri Kişinev’dir. Resmi dili ise Rumencedir. Tanınan bölgesel diller arasında Bulgarca, Rusça ve Gagavuzca bulunmaktadır.
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İstanbul City, Turkish İstanbul, formerly Constantinople, ancient Byzantium, largest city and principal seaport of Turkey. It was the capital of both the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire.  The old walled city of Istanbul stands on a triangular peninsula between Europe and Asia. Sometimes as a bridge, sometimes as a barrier, Istanbul for more than 2,500 years has stood between conflicting surges of religion, culture, and imperial power. For most of those years it was one of the most coveted cities in the world.   The name Byzantium may derive from that of Byzas, leader of the Greeks from the city of Megara who, according to legend, captured the peninsula from pastoral Thracian tribes and built the town about 657 BCE. In 196 CE, having razed the town for opposing him in a civil war, the Roman emperor Septimius Severus rebuilt it, naming it Augusta Antonina in honour of his son. In 330 CE, when Constantine the Great dedicated the city as his capital, he called it New Rome. The coinage, nevertheless, continued to be stamped Byzantium until he ordered the substitution of Constantinopolis. At the end of the 1st millennium, Greek speakers were reported to refer to trips there as eis tēn polin, “into the City,” rather than “to Constantinople.” By the 13th century this Greek phrase had become an appellation for the city: Istinpolin. Through a series of speech permutations over a span of centuries, this name became Istanbul. Until the Turkish Post Office officially changed the name in 1930, however, the city continued to bear the millenary name of Constantinople. Pop. (2007) 10,757,327; (2021 est.) urban agglom., 18,744,519
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