Best of luck, friends, 4 years ago I went to Moldova to start a business. I had the idea of using the money I had saved from working abroad before and owning my own Cafe. I had the idea that I would open a cafe of my own, even if it was small, and have my breakfast in my own cafe in the morning. In this way, the food problem, which was a big problem for me, would be eliminated and I would also earn money from the cafe.
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Cum se prepară ceaiul de mușețel?
Florile sunt culese în mai și iunie și lăsate să se usuce la soare. 2 sau 3 lingurițe sunt suficiente pentru a prepara flori de mușețel. Prepararea corectă a berii este foarte importantă. În caz contrar, nu se pot vedea beneficiile.
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